Category: Overdrive & Distortion

Achilles Amp Overdrive Kit
Analogman Prince of Tone
Andromeda Natural Overdrive - Nobels ODR-1 Clone
Nobels® ODR-1
Anomaly Vintage Distortion kit
Crowther Hot Cake
Aphelion Vintage Distortion Kit
MXR® Distortion+
Azimuth Dynamic Overdrive Kit
Hermida® Zendrive
Cerulean Amp Overdrive V2 Kit
Marshall® Bluesbreaker
Equinox Amp Overdrive Kit
Marshall® Guv'nor
Flare Fuzz Machine Kit
ZVEX Fuzz Factory™
Gladiator Dual Overdrive Kit
King Tone Duellist
Graviton Metal Distortion Kit
Heliodor Amp Overdrive Kit
BOSS® OD-3 Overdrive
Helios Vintage Distortion - Pro Co RAT Clone
Pro Co® RAT Distortion
Quantum Mosfet Distortion Kit
Ibanez® MT-10 Mostortion
Klon® Centaur / KTR
Sapphire Amp Overdrive
BOSS® BD-2 Blues Driver
Solstice Amp Distortion Kit
Marshall® Shredmaster
Stratus Classic Overdrive – Kit
Ibanez® Tube Screamer
Theseus Dual Overdrive Kit
Analogman King of Tone
Titan Dynamic Drive Kit
Fulltone® OCD®
Achilles Amp Overdrive PCB
Analogman Prince of Tone
Andromeda Natural Overdrive PCB
Nobels® ODR-1
Andromeda Deluxe Natural Overdrive PCB
Nordland ODR-C
Anomaly Vintage Distortion PCB
Crowther Hot Cake
Aphelion Vintage Distortion PCB
MXR® Distortion+
Apollo Preamp Drive Mk. I - Catalinbread WIIO
Catalinbread® WIIO
Apollo Preamp Drive Mk. I - Catalinbread RAH
Catalinbread® RAH
Arcturus Natural Overdrive PCB
Nobels ODR-S Overdrive Special
Artemis Preamp Drive Mk. I PCB
Catalinbread® SFT V1
Artemis Preamp Drive Mk. II PCB
Catalinbread® SFT V2
Asteria Preamp Drive Mk. I PCB
Catalinbread® Formula No. 5 (V1)
Asteria Preamp Drive Mk. II PCB
Catalinbread® Formula No. 5 (V2)
Asteria Preamp Drive Mk. III PCB
Catalinbread® Formula 55
Atom Fuzz Drive PCB
ETI Fuzztone
Aurum Amp Overdrive PCB
BOSS® OD-2 Overdrive
Hermida® Zendrive
Blaze Dynamic Overdrive PCB
Amptweaker Tight Drive
Calliope Vintage Fuzz - Catalinbread Karma Suture
Catalinbread® Karma Suture (Ge/Si)
Calypso CMOS Drive PCB
Catalinbread® SCOD
Cascade Amp Overdrive PCB
Washburn® Stack in a Box
Celeritas Organic Overdrive PCB
Greer Lightspeed
Cepheus Amp Overdrive PCB - Cornish CC-1/GC-1
Cornish CC-1/GC-1
Ceres Preamp Drive PCB
Catalinbread® Sabbra Cadabra
Cerulean Amp Overdrive V2 PCB
Marshall® Bluesbreaker
Charon Overdrive - Ibanez CR5 Crunchy Rhythm
Ibanez® CR-5
Cirrus Dynamic Overdrive PCB
Ibanez® ST-9
Comet Vintage Distortion PCB
BOSS® DS-1 Distortion
Crescent Amp Distortion PCB
MI Audio Crunch Box
Cumulus Vintage Overdrive PCB
Ibanez® OD-855
Delta Amp Overdrive PCB
Vertex® Steel String
Draco Amp Distortion PCB
Dr. Boogey
Dryad Transparent Overdrive PCB
Catalinbread Silver Kiss
Durandal Transparent Drive
King Tone Blues Power
Dynamo Reactive Distortion PCB
Bixonic Expandora
Amptweaker Tight Metal
Marshall® Guv'nor
Flare Fuzz Machine PCB
ZVEX Fuzz Factory™
Fractal Parametric Overdrive PCB
Pearl® OD-05 Overdrive
Fusion Dynamic Distortion PCB
Suhr® Riot™
Gaia Preamp Drive Mk. I
Catalinbread® CB30
Gaia Preamp Drive Mk. II PCB
Catalinbread® Galileo
Gladiator Dual Drive
King Tone Duellist
Gladius Dynamic Overdrive
King Tone Soloist
Lovepedal® Eternity
EHX® Big Muff Pi
Halo Deluxe Distortion/Sustainer PCB
Cornish P-1
Heliodor Amp Overdrive PCB
BOSS® OD-3 Overdrive
Helios Classic Distortion PCB
Pro Co® RAT Distortion
Heliosphere Dual Distortion
Stamps Drive-O-Matic
Hexeract CMOS Drive PCB
EHX Hot Tubes
Horizon Amp Overdrive PCB
Catalinbread® DLS Mk.I
Isotope Amp Overdrive PCB
IVP Tube Voice
Ixora Overdriven Preamp PCB
Dinosaural OPA-101
Karkadann Dynamic Overdrive PCB
Way Huge® Green Rhino
Maelstrom Bass Drive PCB
Darkglass® Microtubes B3K
Malacandra Overdrive PCB
Xotic® AC/RC Booster
Megalith Dual Drive PCB
ZVEX® Box of Rock
Meteor Vintage Distortion PCB
Ibanez® SD-9 Sonic Distortion
Naos Classic Overdrive - Yamaha OD-10MII Overdrive PCB
Yamaha OD-10MII Overdrive
Nebula Vintage Distortion
Maxon® DS-830
Nimbus Dynamic Overdrive PCB
Maxon® OD-820
Obelisk Vintage Drive - Lovetone Brown Source PCB
Lovetone Brown Source
Oberon Vintage Distortion PCB
Jordan Bosstone
Obsidian Metal Drive PCB
BOSS® MZ-2 Metalizer
Parhelion Vintage Overdrive PCB
Boss® OD-1 OverDrive
Runoffgroove Peppermill PCB
Runoffgroove Peppermill
Perelandra Boost/Overdrive V2 PCB
Xotic® BB Preamp
Perelandra Deluxe Boost / Overdrive PCB
Xotic® BB Preamp
Plexus Amp Overdrive PCB
Brown Sound in a Box II
Poseidon Silicon Fuzz - Catalinbread Katzenkonig
Catalinbread® Katzenkönig
Positron Amp Overdrive PCB
Gorilla TC-35 Preamp
Procyon Natural Overdrive V2 PCB
BJFe Honey Bee
Protolith CMOS Distortion PCB
Stone Grey Distortion
Ibanez® Mostortion
Quark Vintage Overdrive PCB
Maxon® OD-880
Klon® Centaur / KTR
Sapphire Amp Overdrive PCB
BOSS® BD-2 Blues Driver
Ibanez® SM-9 Super Metal
Silvanus Amp Drive PCB
Xotic SL Drive
Skywave Germanium Drive PCB
Hudson Broadcast
Marshall® Shredmaster
Soma Vintage Overdrive – Cornish SS-3 Soft Sustain
Cornish SS-3 Soft Sustain
Somnus Amp Distortion PCB
Sobbat DB-01 Drive Breaker
Stratosphere Classic Overdrive PCB
TS-808 Narrow Box
Stratus - Tube Screamer Overdrive PCB
Ibanez® Tube Screamer
Runoffgroove Supreaux PCB
Runoffgroove Supreaux
Runoffgroove Supreaux Deux PCB
Runoffgroove Supreaux Deux
Taranis Dynamic Distortion PCB
Mr. Black Thunderclaw
Tempest - Friedman BE-OD/Dirty Shirley Clone
Friedman® BE-OD
Termina Transparent Drive PCB
Timmy V2
Theseus Dual Overdrive V2 PCB
Analogman King of Tone
Thulcandra Boost/Overdrive
Xotic® Soul Driven
Titan Dynamic Drive PCB
Fulltone® OCD®
Triton Preamp Drive Mk. II PCB
Dirty Little Secret Mk. II
Triton Preamp Drive Mk. III PCB
Dirty Little Secret Mk. III
Runoffgroove UBE Screamer
Runoffgroove UBE Screamer
Velorum Dynamic Overdrive PCB
Ibanez/Vemuram TSV808
Viridian Dynamic Overdrive PCB
BJFe Little Green Wonder
Vortex Amp Distortion
Bouteek Distorter Preamp
Warpfield Resonant Drive PCB
Pearl Warp Sound
Wyvern Silicon Drive PCB
Dinosaural® Tube Bender
Xiphos Amp Overdrive
King Tone Heavyhand
Yacana CMOS Drive PCB
Way Huge Red Llama
Lovepedal® Zendrive
Nobels® ODR-1
Aphelion – MXR Distortion Plus, DOD 250
MXR® Distortion+
Cerulean (Marshall Bluesbreaker) PCB
Marshall® Bluesbreaker
Ibanez ST9 Super Tube Screamer Project PCB
Ibanez® ST-9
Comet / Boss DS-1 Distortion DIY PCB Project
Boss® DS-1 Distortion
Boss OD-1 OverDrive / Corona Overdrive PCB
Boss® OD-1 OverDrive
MI Audio Crunch Box PCB - Crescent Distortion
MI Audio® Crunch Box
Cumulus / Ibanez OD-855 DIY PCB
Ibanez® OD-855
Marshall Guv’nor / Drivemaster / Equinox Overdrive PCB
Marshall® Guv'nor
Pearl OD-05 / Fractal Overdrive PCB
Pearl® OD-05
Suhr Riot DIY PCB - Fusion Distortion
Suhr® Riot™
Halo / EHX Big Muff Pi DIY PCB
EHX® Big Muff Pi
Helios / Pro Co RAT DIY PCB
Pro Co® RAT Distortion
Meteor / Ibanez SD-9 Sonic Distortion DIY PCB Project
Ibanez® SD-9
Maxon® DS-830
Nimbus / Maxon OD-820 DIY PCB
Maxon® OD-820
BJFe Honey Bee
Ibanez MT-10 Mostortion / Aion Quantum Distortion PCB
Ibanez® Mostortion
Maxon OD-880 Overdrive Soft Distortion / Quark Overdrive PCB
Maxon® OD-880
Refractor / Klon Centaur DIY PCB
Klon® Centaur / KTR
Aion Solstice – Marshall Shredmaster PCB
Marshall® Shredmaster
Stratus / Ibanez TS-9 Tube Screamer DIY PCB
Ibanez® Tube Screamer
Modified Voodoo Lab Overdrive DIY Project PCB
Voodoo Lab® Overdrive