New Releases, 6/2/2022

Four new preamps releasing today

Four exciting new projects are releasing today, a set of single-channel preamps in a new 1590BBS platform! The L5 Preamp and IVP Preamp have long been two of our most popular projects, and each of these new releases …

Four new projects releasing today, all new traces

Four new projects are releasing today, all based on brand-new traces with accompanying tracing journals so you can read an extensive write-up of what makes them tick. Last month we released an extremely popular project based on the …

Tracing Journal: King Tone Duellist, Soloist and Heavyhand

In this journal we’re covering three related pedals from King Tone: the Duellist, Soloist and Heavyhand. (We also traced the Blues Power, which is covered in a separate post.) The Duellist is a dual pedal that consists of …

Tracing Journal: King Tone Blues Power

In tandem with the Duellist-Soloist-Heavyhand triple trace, we’re also doing separate one for the King Tone Blues Power. Once again, here’s the official demo from Jesse Davey: The Blues Power was originally released in 2017 and described as …

Nine new projects releasing today

New projects available today! Six are brand-new, and three are redesigns of legacy projects in the 125B format. Our release schedule so far this year has been a little more relaxed than the frenetic pace of 2021, but …

International shipping status – March 2022 update

COVID has seriously interrupted global shipping channels for the past two years, and the situation in Ukraine has amplified this even further during the past few weeks. There is a lot of global instability right now and unfortunately …

Six new BOSS® circuits releasing today, and new JFETs to match

Today we’re releasing six new projects, all based on BOSS® classics. Four of them are circuits that no one else has done in PCB form before. The original timing would have been legendary: National Boss’s Day was October …

CMOS mayhem: two new traces and eight new projects

There’s a theme going today: six of the eight new projects use overdriven CMOS inverters for clipping. We’ve got classics like the Hot Tubes and Red Llama alongside modern interpretations like the Darkglass Microtubes B3K and the Mad …

Tracing Journal: Darkglass® Duality Dual Fuzz Engine

Here’s an interesting one. The Darkglass® Duality is an all-original bass drive circuit that features two parallel fuzz paths that can be blended together in any ratio. Here’s a demo video showing what it can do. The first …

Tracing Journal: Catalinbread® Supercharged Overdrive

We’ve traced a whole bunch of Catalinbread pedals, and we’ve still got a few more on the way. The Supercharged Overdrive is an earlier design from their first few years as a company, predating their “Foundation” series of …

Eight new projects releasing today, plus two new tracing journals

We’re releasing eight new projects today. Four of them are brand new, while the others are updates of existing projects. Along with these releases, we’ve got two new tracing journals for you. The first new trace will no …

Tracing Journal: Nordland ODR-C Custom Overdrive

The gear community is not known for restraint when hyping cool pedals. But you don’t have to be part of the DIY pedal scene for long before you start to understand that very few of the drive-of-the-day pedals …

Tracing Journal: Xotic BB Preamp (five variants)

Some companies like to keep their product line as small as possible so customers don’t get choice paralysis. Xotic is not one of those companies. Think you might want a BB Preamp? Well, a few minutes of research …

Intersound IVP Preamp releasing today

Another big one today! It hasn’t even been a month since we released the Lovetone projects—but they sold out in four days, so you can imagine that provided a bit of motivation to follow up with something equally …

New projects: Hypercube, Epsilon, and Gaia Mk. I

A few new circuits dropping today going into the USA Memorial Day weekend. Hypercube: BOSS FZ-2 Hyper Fuzz First up: the BOSS® FZ-2 Hyper Fuzz. This is a beast of a circuit, definitely the highest part count of …