They’re here! Two new Lovetone projects based on the ? Flange With No Name and Ring Stinger
Today we’re thrilled to release two long-awaited new projects: the Xenotron, based on the Lovetone “?” (Flange With No Name), and the Neurotron, based on the Lovetone Ring Stinger.
We originally designed these around 18 months ago, but between prototyping (including 3 revisions of the Xenotron), shipping them across the world to be tested against originals, and writing 50 pages of documentation from scratch, it’s taken a bit of time to bring them about.
But we’re finally ready to share them with the world. We think you’ll agree they are worth the wait. They’re two of the strangest modulation effects you’ll ever hear, but there’s nothing else even remotely comparable.
Xenotron – ? Flange With No Name
A flanger, chorus, tremolo and everything in between, with synth-like controls, regeneration and self-oscillation for unique and otherworldly sounds.
Neurotron – Lovetone Ring Stinger
A highly original ring modulator and octave fuzz with LFO modulation for a stunning array of tones and sound effects.
Many thanks to Ian (LaceSensor) who tested the prototypes against his original units to ensure accuracy, and provided technical details to help with the documentation. Nobody knows these pedals as well as he does, so the help is greatly appreciated!
We are also putting all of our earlier Lovetone projects on sale for 20% off through Monday. The two new ones are not included in the sale, but if you want to pick up a Quadratron, Spectron, Monolith or Obelisk, now is a great time. The Spectron has also been updated to version 1.1, a minor update that rearranges the control layout slightly and adds a sub-PCB for the External Trigger jack to make wiring easier.
We’ve also added the LT44 transformer to our inventory of parts on the Components page. This is the exact type of transformer used in the Ring Stinger, which we’ve sourced directly from the manufacturer in the UK to make part sourcing quicker and cheaper (at least for those of you outside the UK).