Four new projects releasing today, all new traces
Four new projects are releasing today, all based on brand-new traces with accompanying tracing journals so you can read an extensive write-up of what makes them tick.
Last month we released an extremely popular project based on the Analogman King of Tone, and coincidentally this month all four projects are from King Tone (the company)… one of which has a clear King of Tone influence. Yes, it’s a bit of a tangle, but fortunately you can’t go wrong with any of these!
Gladiator – King Tone Duellist
A dual pedal with a stripped-down Tube Screamer and a hot-rodded Bluesbreaker.
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Gladius – King Tone Soloist
A single-channel adaptation of side A of the Duellist, based on a stripped-down Ibanez Tube Screamer.
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Xiphos – King Tone Heavyhand
A single-channel adaptation of side B of the Duellist, based on a Marshall Bluesbreaker with hot-rodded features.
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Durandal – King Tone Blues Power
A transparent drive adapted from the Timmy, with a few added features for tonal flexibility.