Which new projects do you want to see in 2017?
2017 is here, and as I mentioned a few months ago, I’m cutting back my hours at my day job so that I can dedicate more time to Aion Electronics. Last year was my best year yet, but with a new house and a new baby over the summer and fall, other than the Lab Series Preamp, I didn’t have as much time as I wanted to devote to new project development.
This year will be different. Now, my first order of business is to get the Dimension C Chorus finished up – and it will be soon. But after that, I’m all ears. It’s up to you!
So, here are the circuits I’m currently exploring. If you could do me a favor and read through them, then check the boxes next to the ones you’re interested in, that will help me prioritize.
New projects for 2017
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